Ice Sorcerer Novarrion

Radiant Mythic Ice Sorcerer - Guardian of Night
Incubator level required: 21
Incubation Time: 28d 24h
Breeding castle level needed to use as parent: 21
Breedable level: 16
Number of fragments: 2350

Possible breeding results

Parents Children
Skreetus Novarrion Skreetus 90.0% Rahuai 10.0%
Taipan Novarrion Taipan 90.0% Zweihhak 10.0%
Yamethra Novarrion Yamethra 90.0% Amalrix 10.0%
Novarrion Amaruhk Novarrion 90.0% Gortamor 10.0%
Novarrion Zahhak Novarrion 90.0% Gortamor 10.0%
Novarrion Ralen Novarrion 90.0% Gortamor 10.0%