Wind Invoker Makota
Verdant Legendary Wind Invoker -
Doomforest Wyrm
Incubator level required: 17
Incubation Time: 3d 21h
Incubation Time: 3d 21h
Breeding castle level needed to use as parent: 17
Breedable level: 12
Number of fragments: 1500
Breedable level: 12
Number of fragments: 1500
Breeding parents
Parents | Tokens | Children | ||
Carrion | Cephoth | 3 334 | Makota 1.00 | Sylvix 0.06 |
Balor | Glossia | 30 000 | Makota 1.00 | Yetin 9.64 |
Krasta | Cephoth | 30 000 | Makota 1.00 | Mordred 5.19 |