Fire Sorcerer Washi

Artisan Mythic Fire Sorcerer - Masterpiece Dragon
Incubator level required: 19
Incubation Time: 17d 10h
Breeding castle level needed to use as parent: 19
Breedable level: 16
Number of fragments: 1875
Parents Tokens Children
Washi Helminn 18 756 Washi 1.00 Kechuri 0.10
Washi Lumestry 18 756 Washi 1.00 Kechuri 0.10
Washi Ornithox 18 756 Washi 1.00 Kechuri 0.10
Malok Lumestry 112 500 Washi 1.00 Ornithox 5.82
Ikti Lumestry 112 500 Washi 1.00 Ornithox 5.82
Asuri Lumestry 112 500 Washi 1.00 Ornithox 5.82
Korgon Lumestry 112 500 Washi 1.00 Ornithox 5.82