Dark Invoker Zweihhak

Fallen Mythic Dark Invoker - Last of the Line
Incubator level required: 23
Incubation Time: 32d 21h
Breeding castle level needed to use as parent: 23
Breedable level: 16
Number of fragments: 2600
Parents Tokens Children
Zweihhak Skreetus 49 113 Zweihhak 1.00 Blazewing 0.10
Zweihhak Gortamor 49 113 Zweihhak 1.00 Blazewing 0.10
Zweihhak Yamethra 49 113 Zweihhak 1.00 Blazewing 0.10
Taipan Ammak 416 000 Zweihhak 1.00 Taipan 9.00
Taipan Solarius 416 000 Zweihhak 1.00 Taipan 9.00
Taipan Novarrion 416 000 Zweihhak 1.00 Taipan 9.00