Fire Hunter Gorgonus
Sapphire Legendary Fire Hunter -
Burning Revenant
Incubator level required: 8
Incubation Time: 2d 23h
Incubation Time: 2d 23h
Breeding castle level needed to use as parent: 8
Breedable level: 6
Number of fragments: 500
Breedable level: 6
Number of fragments: 500
Breeding parents
Parents | Tokens | Children | ||||||
Gloomclaw | Renard | 1 250 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Gloomclaw 0.06 | Jul 0.09 | |||
Jul | Frostbiter | 1 276 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Frostbiter 0.10 | Jul 0.10 | |||
Avalanche | Aquileas and Austeros | 1 784 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Deci 0.12 | Aquileas and Austeros 0.08 | Avalanche 0.12 | Chompa 0.13 | Sekhem 0.13 |
Quetz | Kaiju | 12 500 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Kaiju 1.56 | Quetz 1.56 | Kulan 22.50 | ||
Gorgonus | Sekhem | 13 000 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Sekhem 1.00 | Necura 3.33 | Nosfer 40.27 | ||
Iteru | Gorgonus | 13 000 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Iteru 1.00 | Kelvin 2.08 | Cryzan 3.33 | Cerbero 33.33 | |
Chompa | Gorgonus | 13 000 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Mehaten 0.67 | Chompa 1.00 | Kelvin 2.08 | Cerbero 33.33 | |
Icicle | Ursa | 13 000 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Icicle 0.61 | Renard 0.95 | Iteru 8.33 | Sekhem 1.00 | |
Nier | Slax | 13 000 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Nier 0.61 | Deci 0.71 | Kerbos 0.95 | Kyrule 5.95 | |
Gorgonus | Apophet | 13 334 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Apophet 0.67 | Necura 3.33 | Nosfer 40.27 | ||
Anapa | Gorgonus | 13 334 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Kaiju 2.08 | Rizar 2.08 | Jagra 19.16 | Kulan 3.33 | |
Scorchil | Gorgonus | 13 334 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Scorchil 1.00 | Kaiju 2.08 | Quetz 2.08 | Kulan 20.00 | |
Gorgonus | Hauheset | 13 668 | Gorgonus 1.00 | Ursa 0.95 | Kaiju 2.08 | Kulan 3.33 | Necura 3.33 | Nosfer 29.17 |