Ice Warrior Baldr

Blue Common Ice Warrior - Sapphire Golem
Incubator level required: 3
Incubation Time: 1h 12m
Breeding castle level needed to use as parent: 3
Breedable level: 1
Number of fragments: 5

Level information

Level XP Base Food HP Damage Rage AP
1 0 17 0 26 176 4 820 0.15/s 161
2 620 17 355 28 749 5 220 0.15/s 281
3 825 17 394 38 017 5 590 0.15/s 408
4 1 076 17 542 39 724 5 930 0.15/s 446
5 1 413 17 594 42 030 6 240 0.15/s 500
6 1 740 17 648 43 942 6 610 0.15/s 556
7 3 127 17 1 225 46 473 7 080 0.15/s 630
8 4 713 17 1 637 50 533 7 620 0.15/s 740
9 5 420 17 1 858 55 458 8 260 0.15/s 875
10 6 157 17 2 781 60 112 8 990 0.15/s 1 035