MythicEmptinessGlyphDragonIncrease Slayer's Mark Healing: +20%
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicStarshineGlyphDragonIncrease Gravity Warp Damage: +20%
Increase Invoker HP: +8%
MythicInevitabilityGlyphDragonDecrease Black Hole Cooldown: -1s
Increase Warrior Attack: +8%
MythicImplosionGlyphDragonIncrease Collapsing Star Damage: +20%
Increase Warrior HP: +8%
MythicLionGlyphDragonIncrease Blazing Shield Duration: +1s
Increase Warrior HP: +8%
MythicDubiousnessGlyphDragonDecrease Plasma Recharge Cooldown: -1s
Increase Invoker HP: +8%
MythicScoutGlyphDragonIncrease Warning Beacon Healing: +20%
Increase Sorcerer Attack: +8%
MythicScornGlyphDragonDecrease Ring of Torment Cooldown: -1s
Increase Warrior HP: +8%
MythicCalamityGlyphDragonIncrease Tome of Kharnyx Duration: +1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicJudgementGlyphDragonIncrease Lay Waste Damage: +15%
Increase Warrior HP: +8%
MythicCloakingGlyphDragonIncrease Cloak Duration: +3s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicBetrayalGlyphDragonIncrease From the Shadows Duration: +1s
Increase Invoker HP: +8%
MythicLibraryGlyphDragonDecrease Solar Strike Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicInvoker AttackRuneDragonIncrease Invoker Attack: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicInvoker HPRuneDragonIncrease Invoker HP: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicInvoker AttackGlyphDragonIncrease Invoker Attack: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicInvoker HPGlyphDragonIncrease Invoker HP: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicHunter Attack AmmoRuneDragonIncrease Hunter Attack: +6%
Hunter Ammo Increase: +2
MythicHunter Attack AmmoGlyphDragonIncrease Hunter Attack: +6%
Hunter Ammo Increase: +2
MythicPersevereGlyphDragonIncrease Persevere Duration: +1s
Increase Invoker HP: +8%
MythicOpening SalvoGlyphDragonDecrease Opening Salvo Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer Attack: +8%
MythicCounterstrikeGlyphDragonDecrease Counterstrike Cooldown: -1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicAvalancheGlyphDragonIncrease Avalanche Breath Duration: +1s
Increase Warrior HP: +8%
MythicGeyserGlyphDragonIncrease Geyser Duration: +1.5s
Increase Warrior HP: +8%
MythicFading ReservesGlyphDragonIncrease Fading Reserves Healing: +25%
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%