namerewardprobability*durationstars# dragonsdragon tierspecific dragon
SurveillanceXP Potion0.348%4h33EmpyreanSeraph
Wake of DestructionXP Potion0.348%4h24EmeraldStormheim
Styxer's GiftPlatinum Chest0.348%1d64(any)Styxer
Viper's GiftPlatinum Chest0.348%1d64(any)Viper
Vulcanic TemperXP Potion0.348%4h23PlatinumVulcan
Dragon FestivalXP Potion0.348%4h23GoldWhalegnawer
Zephyr's GiftPlatinum Chest0.348%1d64(any)Zephyr

*Note that the probability % is based on Empyrean+ level, where all quests are available. At lower level, the high tier quests won't be available and all other probabilities will increase.