Epic Rune of the Adept

Slot: Dragon Rune
Rarity: Epic
Level Cost Abilities
1 Decrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -0.25s
2 12 500 Rune Dust Decrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -0.333s
3 19 600 Rune Dust Decrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -0.417s
4 31 600 Rune Dust Decrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -0.5s

Runes and glyphs in this family

EpicAdeptRuneDecrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -0.5s
LegendaryAdeptRuneDecrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -0.75s
Increase Sorcerer Attack: +4%
MythicAdeptGlyphDecrease Swirlpool Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer Attack: +8%