Mythic Hunter Attack Glyph

Slot: Dragon Glyph
Rarity: Mythic
Level Cost Abilities
1 Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +2.3%
2 313 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +3.4%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +2.7%
3 477 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +3.8%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +3%
4 734 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +4.2%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +3.4%
5 1 145 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +4.6%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +3.4%
6 1 822 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +5%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +3.4%

Runes and glyphs in this family

CommonHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
CommonHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
CommonHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
CommonHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
RareHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
RareHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
RareHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
RareHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
EpicHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +2%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +1.7%
EpicHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +2%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +1.7%
LegendaryHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +2.5%

Other mythic Glyph with increase hunter attack

MythicArcher ResistGlyphIncrease Archer Tower Resist: +6.7%
Increase Hunter Attack: +5%
MythicBlossomsGlyphIncrease Scatter Explosion Damage: +25%
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicBranch BashGlyphIncrease Branch Bash Healing: +15%
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicCalamityGlyphIncrease Tome of Kharnyx Duration: +1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicCannon ResistGlyphIncrease Cannon Tower Resist: +6.7%
Increase Hunter Attack: +5%
MythicCaptainGlyphIncrease Tempest Mantle Duration: +1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicCloakingGlyphIncrease Cloak Duration: +3s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicClockwork VortexGlyphDecrease Clockwork Vortex Cooldown: -1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicCounterstrikeGlyphDecrease Counterstrike Cooldown: -1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicDark Flak ResistGlyphIncrease Dark Flak Resist: +6.7%
Increase Hunter Attack: +5%
MythicDemiseGlyphDecrease Dirge Cooldown: -1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%
MythicDesperate ResolveGlyphIncrease Desperate Resolve Duration: +1s
Increase Hunter Attack: +8%

Other mythic Glyph with increase ice turret resist

MythicHunter HPGlyphIncrease Hunter HP: +5%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +3.4%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Warrior Attack: +5%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Invincibility Duration: +0.36s
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Increase Trebuchet Resist: +3.4%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Increase Storm Tower Resist: +3.4%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +3.4%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Increase Hunter Attack: +5%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Increase Cannon Tower Resist: +3.4%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Increase Archer Tower Resist: +3.4%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Healing Mark Multiplier: +63%
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Freeze Duration: +0.36s
MythicIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +6.7%
Evasion Duration: +0.36s