Legendary Hunter Attack Glyph

Slot: Dragon Glyph
Rarity: Legendary
Level Cost Abilities
1 Increase Hunter Attack: +1%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +1.7%
2 62 500 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +1.5%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.1%
3 96 400 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +2%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
4 151 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +2.5%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
5 241 000 Rune Dust Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%

Runes and glyphs in this family

CommonHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
CommonHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
CommonHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
CommonHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1%
RareHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
RareHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
RareHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
RareHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +1.25%
EpicHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +2%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +1.7%
EpicHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +2%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +1.7%
LegendaryHunter AttackRuneIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%

Other legendary Glyph with increase hunter attack

LegendaryArcher ResistGlyphIncrease Archer Tower Resist: +4.8%
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryCannon ResistGlyphIncrease Cannon Tower Resist: +4.8%
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryDark Flak ResistGlyphIncrease Dark Flak Resist: +4.8%
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryElemental BarrierGlyphElemental Barrier Duration: +0.5s
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryEvasionGlyphEvasion Duration: +0.5s
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryFire Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Fire Turret Resist: +4.8%
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryHealing MarkGlyphHealing Mark Multiplier: +88%
Increase Hunter Attack: +3%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +4%
Increase Hunter HP: +2%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Rage Generation: +3.9%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Trebuchet Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Storm Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +3%
Increase Ice Turret Resist: +2.5%

Other legendary Glyph with increase lightning tower resist

LegendaryArcher ResistGlyphIncrease Archer Tower Resist: +4.8%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryCannon ResistGlyphIncrease Cannon Tower Resist: +4.8%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryChaosGlyphChaos Damage: +50%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryDark Flak ResistGlyphIncrease Dark Flak Resist: +4.8%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryElemental BarrierGlyphElemental Barrier Duration: +0.5s
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryEvasionGlyphEvasion Duration: +0.5s
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryFire Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Fire Turret Resist: +4.8%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryFreezeGlyphFreeze Duration: +0.5s
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryHealing MarkGlyphHealing Mark Multiplier: +88%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryIce ShockGlyphIce Shock Duration: +0.5s
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryIce Turret ResistGlyphIncrease Ice Turret Resist: +4.8%
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%
LegendaryInvincibilityGlyphInvincibility Duration: +0.5s
Increase Lightning Tower Resist: +2.5%