Mythic Glyph of Ancestry

Slot: Dragon Glyph
Rarity: Mythic
Level Cost Abilities
1 Rage Generation: +7.5%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +4%
2 313 000 Rune Dust Rage Generation: +8.1%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +4.8%
3 477 000 Rune Dust Rage Generation: +8.7%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +5.6%
4 734 000 Rune Dust Rage Generation: +9.3%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +6.4%
5 1 145 000 Rune Dust Rage Generation: +9.9%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +7.2%
6 1 822 000 Rune Dust Rage Generation: +10.5%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%

Runes and glyphs in this family

EpicAncestryRuneRage Generation: +5.4%
LegendaryAncestryRuneRage Generation: +7.5%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +4%
MythicAncestryGlyphRage Generation: +10.5%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%

Other mythic Glyph with rage generation

MythicAmmoGlyphHunter Ammo Increase: +2
Rage Generation: +7%
MythicAttitude!GlyphIncrease Speed Demon Duration: +1s
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicBindingGlyphIncrease Ethereal Chains Damage: +20%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicChain LightningGlyphChain Lightning Chains: +1chains
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicCloakGlyphCloak Duration: +1.4s
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicFireballGlyphFireball Damage: +28%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicFuryGlyphIncrease Spear Salvo Damage: +30%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicHunter AttackGlyphIncrease Hunter Attack: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicHunter HPGlyphIncrease Hunter HP: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicInvertGlyphInvert Duration: +0.7s
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicInvoker AttackGlyphIncrease Invoker Attack: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%
MythicInvoker HPGlyphIncrease Invoker HP: +5%
Rage Generation: +5.4%

Other mythic Glyph with increase sorcerer hp

MythicAspect Of FlameGlyphIncrease Aspect of Flame Damage: +20%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicAstral BlastGlyphIncrease Astral Blast Duration: +1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicBalanceGlyphDecrease Karmic Bolt Cooldown: -0.3s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicBlood VortexGlyphDecrease Blood Vortex Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicBlowfishGlyphIncrease Underwhelming Fireball Damage: +20%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicBounce StrikeGlyphDecrease Bounce Strike Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicCleansingGlyphIncrease Cleansing Waters Duration: +1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicDark LightningGlyphDecrease Dark Lightning Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicDevastationGlyphIncrease Incinerate Healing: +30%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicDrownedGlyphIncrease Breath of the Drowned Duration: +1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicEarthen FuryGlyphDecrease Earth's Judgement Cooldown: -1s
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%
MythicHorrorsGlyphIncrease Soul Barrage Damage: +20%
Increase Sorcerer HP: +8%